Tuesday, 18 June 2013

£1 Tangle Teezer alternative!

Here in my town we're "blessed" to have 3 Pound shops (As well as 5 Greggs bakeries, but that's a story for another day!) Anyway, recently on a stroll around the biggest of the 3 shops, I came across what looked to be a small plastic horse grooming brush. However, since it was among the entirely human hair care items, I knew this wasn't the actual case!

On closer inspection I soon realised this was the budget version of the much raved about Tangle Teezer called Tangle Attack. People must have deemed me mad when I decided to buy one, but as I have almost semi-Rapunzel hair,I was willing to try anything to conquer the mammoth sized knots I get!

Believe it or not, I can now say after almost a month of using the Tangle Attack, the removal of the knots in my hair has been painless and effortless, but just how does it do it? Magic is the only response I deem worthy as an answer! Who'd have thought that the bane of my life could be solved by a £1 product as opposed to having to fork out at least £10 for the real deal. Brilliant!

The Tangle Attack is available in 3 colours: black, purple & pink and it also includes a nifty travel case/cover, to protect the bristles!

Where?:  Poundland
How Much?: oh come on, REALLY?! £1!!
Rating: 9.5/10 (only issue is the gaudy packaging!)


  1. I have never seen these. I have been thinking about getting a Tangle Teezer for ages but this sounds great. I may get both and do a comparison type thing on my blog.
    Thank you for this, and welcome to the blogging world.
    I hope you're well and I'm looking forward to your future posts.
    Hope to speak soon,
    Laura x


    1. Thank you so much, I think the stock of products is dependent on the area you live in, I hope you can get hold of one as I look forward to reading your review! :)

      Shannonleigh_c x

  2. i seen this the other day in my local pound shop & as i have a tangleteezer thought theres no point buying it to try it out, may go back & get one & do a review & comparison post after reading this:) xx

    1. It really surprised me with just how good it was, for £1 you can't really go wrong! :)

      Shannonleigh_c x
