Thursday, 20 June 2013

Do you daretodip ?

The Summer months are upon us (Although it's currently chucking it down with rain outside so I personally beg to differ!) Either way Summer means one thing, it's time to don the bikini and go chasing the sun!  Now, whether you're hitting the coast to catch some rays or if you're lucky enough to be jetting off abroad, your first swimsuit appearance of the year can be extremely daunting! This is where Nivea UK come in. The lovely people at Nivea are looking to ease your costume concerns and erase your tankini terrors as part of their daretodip campaign, which helps you get fully prepared to take take that first plunge!

By liking Nivea UK's page on Facebook you can pledge to share your first dip with Nivea and in return they'll send you an extremely cute package containing the essentials needed to ensure your skin is primed and ready to go for the summer months.

 Inside the package you'll find an 8ml sample of Nivea's Soft Moisturizing Cream, a 10ml sample of a brand new Skin Conditioner & finally a voucher which entitles you to a free Nivea in shower mosturiser 250ml & a Nivea Soft cream 75ml with any purchase of a Vital, Pure & Natural or Q10 plus facial mosturiser ( From the Nivea shop)

Although the amount of sample you get it rather little, you can't go wrong for a freebie! I also really like the concept behind the campaign as I for one will happily admit the first swimsuit appearance of the year is always a feared one!


  1. oh it creeps up every year and I'm never ready! :) x

    1. I know the feeling, it's certainly a sneaky one! Have a great summer! :D

      Shannonleigh_c x

  2. Replies
    1. Same here! You can always rely on them being good quality (:

      Shannonleigh_c x
